Sunday, 21 May 2017

SocrLabs Indoor Soccer Development - Facility Tour

For those who need hardcore soccer training SocrLabs is the ideal place,
this indoor soccer training facility in Libertyville Illinois, provides
only soccer specific training with the help of hi-tech equipment. Watch
the video to learn more.

Sunday, 7 May 2017

Come to SocrLabs for Soccer Specific Training

Every soccer coach would agree that training holds the key to success, the more you train the better are your chances of success. But if you want to perform better and win more games then you need to fine-tune your current training schedule and find the right training facility too. As a coach you know that sometimes it becomes impossible to train outside due to harsh weather conditions. So, the team needs to have access to a good indoor training facility where they could still continue to practice their moves without having to feel burnt out.

Although there are quite a few indoor sports training facilities around, not all of these are right for soccer practice. Finding the right training facility will help you go further, but if you get stuck with the wrong one, then all you would be doing is wasting your time and money. So,comparing  different facilities is a good idea as it would help you pick the right one.

Libertyville Sports Complex is definitely a popular destination for athletes looking for indoor sports training. The place has a batting cage, 2 field hockey/lacrosse style turf fields,volleyball courts and many other interesting features. But it is good for teams looking for general training, and since it is a multi-sports facility, it does not offer anything specific in terms of equipment or training programs for that matter. So, for soccer training this is certainly not the right place.

When your aim is to train hard to be a winner, you need to go beyond your mundane training schedule and need to adopt an edgier training program which will be designed keeping the needs of soccer in mind. SocrLabs is an indoor soccer training libertyville facility, which is dedicated to help soccer players transform into elite players. Here training programs are designed to help soccer players be more agile, faster during every match. Hi-tech training equipment are provided to them so that they can be mentally agile as well and have a better reaction time. Every move of theirs is monitored by coaches who rectify their mistakes and show them how to make right moves.

So, if you are serious about your soccer training, then come to the SocrLabs facility and experience what soccer specific training is all about.

Thursday, 4 May 2017


The SocrLabs facility is expanding and there are going to be exciting new equipment, turf and more. The facility will remain closed on the 4th ,6th & 8th of May. Read more

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

FitFest - Indoor Soccer Demo

The children had
a gala time at the Warren schools FitFest as SocrLabs gave them the
opportunity to have a go at the advanced equipment used for soccer


SocrLabs is the ideal indoor soccer training facility unlike Libertyville Sports Complex, which offers general sports training. For more read on.

SocrLabs: the Indoor Soccer Training Facility in Libertyville

Those who have been to the Libertyville indoor sports complex, they are well familiar with the place and they would agree on one thing that it is a great indoor training facility for athletes. Since it is a multi-sport facility, it is basically a training ground for all players, regardless of the kind of sports they are associated with. But would it be alright for a soccer player looking for soccer specific training?

If you happen to know anything about sports, then you would know that every kind of sports comes with unique techniques and demands a specific set of skills of the players involved. It is needless to point out that training regimen of players would take shape depending on the nature of sports. Physical training is mandatory for all athletes because it helps them be stronger, sharper and fitter, but for that general training is provided at sports training centers, but that training would not be of much help for an glsa libertyville aspirant.

Soccer like all other sports demands certain skills from the players, regular outdoor practices which the coach organizes for the kids help them in a big way. But to rise above the level of an average player, they need something edgier which they can never get through an outdoor training program. Indoor training facilities like Libertyville indoor sports complex, cannot be of much help either as these do not have the necessary equipment or, training program for soccer.

To bridge this gap SocrLabs was conceptualized, at this indoor soccer training libertyville facility only soccer specific training programs have been developed keeping in mind the particular needs of soccer. Players here can train using advanced training gears under the guidance of experienced coaches. Here they train to be more faster, agile on the field as well as they improve all their crucial soccer techniques. All in all, here they transform into elite players.

Bring your soccer team to SocrLabs and watch them grow into better players.

Monday, 1 May 2017