Thursday, 15 June 2017

SocrLabs: Making a Difference

SocrLabs is for serious soccer players who are willing to push themselves really hard so that they can give their opponent a big competition in every game. It is true that SocrLabs is way different from other sports training facilities and the difference doesn't lie just in the spelling of the word soccer, the difference goes far deeper than that. One might wonder if it is a soccer training facility then why don't they use the usual spelling, that is because they do not believe doing anything usual.

At the SocrLabs facility, soccer training takes a whole new form, unlike other sports training facilities it does not restrict itself to providing only regular strength training programs, instead it focuses only on providing soccer specific training. The idea here is to make a difference in the way the players train themselves.

The regular training programs could only help them reach a certain level where they can be expected to give an average performance like fellow players. But a team made up of average performers cannot be expected to win a tournament. To be winners they need to be armed with far more superior skills and techniques which they can easily pick up at the SocrLabs. The main aim of this indoor soccer training facility is to help the soccer players be more skilled so that they could be winners.

It would take you just one tour of the facility to understand that the difference of SocrLabs with other training facilities goes beyond the spelling. This place is the ultimate training ground for the soccer players, where they undergo advanced training without getting exhausted in scorching heat. To be better players they need to increase their speed, must possess superior soccer techniques and excellent reaction time.

Here at SocrLabs, they have access to the best soccer training drills for youth,which are way different from the regular, monotonous drills they are obliged to perform at regular team training sessions. These are fun, so the players do not skip the drills, the players also get to try their hands and feet on advanced training gears which increase their efficiency. All the training programs here are designed to help players acquire better soccer skills which are executed under the supervision of experienced coaches.

Players who train at SocrLabs they feel the difference while they undergo training and make the difference when they take on their opponent on the field. The difference in their performance before     a couple of SocrLabs training sessions and post the sessions is highly visible to the parents, as well as to the coaches.

So, it's good to be different if you could make a difference.

Tuesday, 13 June 2017


Soccer players love the training sessions at the SocrLabs Facility, where they have access to cutting edge soccer development equipment and soccer oriented training programs. Find out more about this.

Thursday, 1 June 2017

SocrLabs Ring of Fire

At the SocrLabs facility you can always expect to find something unique, this time the players are training with the Ring of Fire. Find out more in the following video.

Libertyville Cup soccer

At the recently held Libertyville Cup, the kids were competing with each other to score more as they had a go at the “Ring of Fire”. Watch the following video to learn more.

Libertyville Cup Sponsorship

The young soccer players had a gala time at the Libertyville Cup, sponsored by the SocrLabs facility. To find out more watch the video.

Best soccer training drills for youth

At SocrLabs, the kids get to perform all the essential soccer drills, but in a fun and challenging way. Check out the “ Ring of Fire”, the new addition to the facility. Read More